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Thank you so much for your interest! We thank God for every sponsor who steps forward to change a child's life! Believe us . . . child sponsors are changing lives! As you read the biographies of our children, you will see that some of the children need an education sponsor, others need a boarding sponsor, and still other children need both. All of our children are from villages in Northern Uganda that have suffered much devastation.

We will be adding more children by October 31st!

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Naman Ngora

Age:  8

Gender:  Male

Location:  Abongomola

Sponsorship:  Education

Naman is one of two children who live with their parents in the village of Abongomola in Northern Uganda. He is the only one in his family in good health, as his mother, father, and sister are all suffering from different illnesses.

Naman’s mother has a problem with her knee and her eyes. His sister, Rozan, has been taken to different hospitals for a heart problem that has yet to be diagnosed. Naman’s father has had chest pain and a constant cough for a long time, resulting in being instructed by his doctor not to do any hard work.

Being peasant farmers and unable to work has placed this family in a very challenging situation. The little money they can generate goes toward medical expenses and doesn’t allow for school fees, which has led to Naman always being sent back home from school.

This family is in great need of someone to stand in the gap for them. Sponsorship of Naman would give him the security of two meals a day and the knowledge that he won’t be sent away from school. Meeting this need would truly be life-changing for Naman. Even more, you would bring the love of Jesus to a hurting family, reminding them that they are not alone.  

Naman needs an education sponsor for $35/month

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Malliam Akello

Age:  7

Gender:  Female

Location:  Akalo

Sponsorship:  Education

Malliam is the youngest of five children who live with their mother, Helen, in the village of Akalo.  According to the EWT social worker who visited the home, this family is in an absolute state of poverty.  They all live in one hut that has a leaky roof and no kitchen area.  With cooking being done only outdoors, rainy days prohibit any food preparation.  Circumstances have been difficult for years, but Helen has been doing her best to single-handedly raise her children since her husband abandoned all of them.

Helen shared with the EWT social worker, "I have no land to grow food for my children.  My livelihood is working in other people's gardens in order to raise money for buying my children food.  Life is really hard for me but God is still keeping me and my children.  I really think about how their future holds now that they have no land and are unable to have an education as well."

Malliam's future doesn't have to be bound by the difficult circumstances in which she currently lives.  Sponsorship will place her in a quality school where she will receive an education, enjoy two meals a day and learn of her God-given potential.  What a cause for celebration this would be for a family who has so little, but knows who holds them in the palm of His hand.

Malliam needs an education sponsor for $35/month.

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Jonathan Apita

Age:  10

Gender:  Male

Location:  Akalo

Sponsorship:  Education

Jonathan, who has occasionally suffered from epilepsy, is one of 12 children born to Jimmy Joe and Grace.  This large family lives together in the village of Akalo, where witchcraft has been prevalent for a long time.  Jimmy Joe, however, has taken the Word of God into this place and is watching lives being transformed.  He and Grace are committed to shining light into the darkness of the community in which they live.

As a pastor, Jimmy Joe receives little income.  The family's other means of livelihood is subsistence farming but it falls short of providing even the basics.  Whatever food is produced is consumed by the family and nothing is left for sale.  This results in no money for clothing, medical needs or school fees.

Jonathan does have the blessing of having parents who love the Lord but he doesn't have the opportunity to attend a good school.  Sponsorship of this ten-year-old would make the way for him to receive a quality education, enjoy two meals a day and learn of his God-given potential.  Jonathan and his parents would surely rejoice in God's provision through you and would feel great love and encouragement.

Jonathan needs an education sponsor for $35/month.